1600 Watts and The Ultimate Dirt Farmer Feeding Program
1600 Watts and The Ultimate Dirt Farmer Feeding Program
The Ultimate Dirt Farmer Feeding Program " GREEN PLANET NUTRIENTS
Well I have decided to go with Green Planet pro nutrient line
"The Ultimate Dirt Farmer Feeding Program"
I am very impressed with this nutrient formulation.
I think that I am going to be very impresed with the end results.
Groei A, Growi B, Aussie Tonic, Pro-Cal, Grozyme, XXXTreme Uptake and Root Builder
Bloei A, Bloei B, Aussie Tonic, Pro-Cal, Massive, Finisher, Grozyme, XXXTreme Uptake, Root Builder and Liquid W-8
Well here are the lovely ladies just before giving them there first dose of Green PLanet Nutrients.
They were doing good, nice and dark green, tight internodal spacing. (but notice all of the defeciencies in the leaves)
Let me tell you these two large mother plants that were re-vegged had there fair share of defeciencies until 4 days after I switched them from AN to the base Green Planet nutrients Groei, without all of the other additives and enhancers.
So this is what convinced me overall to try this nutrient company out. a simple correction of defeciencies and I was hooked..
Green Planets $25 Organic base product (groei) Repaired what AN's $50 Organic base product (Iguana Juice) among others had failed to correct
What I had noticed in the two years of using AN Iguana Juice, was deficiency after deficiency, I had an excellent finished product don't get me wrong, but there were alot of defeciencies.
This stuff is excellent. And unlike most other nutrient companies, there measurements are Per gallon or Per liter measurements.
This is so that you can control exactly how much of the nutrient solution you are giving the plants at any given time giving you much better control of the product and savings in your pocket..
DAY 2 after feeding green planet nutrients
DAY 4 after feeding green planet nutrients
I am using 1 x 600 watt HPS 1 x 600 watt MH and 1 x 400 watt hps to flower.
Everything is doing very good, I am re-flowering the re-vegged mothers as they are growing way to big with these new nutrients.
They have just finished there first week of flower (12/12) and they have entered there 2nd week of 12/12
They are loving the individual 600 Watts above each of them (1200 watts for two plants)
The seedlings have been growing so bushy that I had to decide what I was going to do in order to control them.
Well I decided to trim off all of the bottom foliage and simply let all of the branches become individual large tops
They were so bushy that it was literally dark under the plants as absolutely no light was penetrating through there foliage.
I am very impressed by the Green Planet Nutrients.
Enjoy the Picture
Here is what they currently look like as of tonight !!
The plants are developing at a very accelerated rate using the ultimate dirt farmer feeding program
The plants are one day away from the end of there second week of flowering.
The bud development is very dense and there is alot of it.
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